UI-Editor FAQ

Modified on: 2016-10-06 14:16:48 +0200


What does the UI Editor do?

The UI Editor simplifies the translation and management of UI text, allowing you to edit labels and interface elements directly in the front end, quickly add translations for new languages, and easily keep track of different language versions. It allows native speakers and community managers to manage translations without the need to involve IT or deploy plugins or themes.

Is programming knowledge required to use it?

Not at all. It gives a non-technical person an easy interface to edit i18n keys.

Which languages are supported?

All Jive supported languages, and it has the ability to add new languages.

Installation and Administration

Which Jive environments and versions are supported?

Please see the Pokeshot Product Matrix.

How do I install it?

Upload the plugin via the Jive admin console, then restart the instance.

Does it require a translation engine to work?

No, no live translation is being performed.

Is there a separate administrative interface?

Yes, go to your profile dropdown menu > Manage Translations, or for additional options, go to the Jive admin console > System > Management > Manage Translations.

Features and Functionality

Are all of the i18n keys within Jive translated already, or do we have to provide translations and enter them into the UI Editor?

The keys are already provided by Jive. All available translations and i18n keys provided by Jive and external plugins are directly available in the UI editor. When adding new languages, the keys are pre-populated for the new target language.

Is it possible to export the entire set of UI strings? How? Can I see a sample export?

Yes, you can export entire sets per language. It will be exported into a key=value file with the i18n properties standard.

The UI Strings can be exported using the Manage Translations interface in the admin console. Go to System > Management > Manage Translations > Settings, click Show Extended Options, then choose Export from Export Options. An example export/import is attached to this document.

Is it possible to import string sets for multiple languages and override what is currently available?

Yes, this is possible per language.

Can we add languages or customize the names?

Languages can be added, but only Java-supported (i18n) languages are available. It is not possible to customize the display name of a language.

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