What does Auto Translate do?
Auto Translate provides page translation. Users will see a check box and "Translate Page to: [user's preferred language]" in the site's navigational header. When the user checks the box, the page is translated into the language set in the user's Jive preferences.
What does Multi-Language Documents do?
Multi-Language Documents ("Multidoc") lets you
- create a version of a document in a new language, either manually or using Auto Translate, and
- associate those multi-language documents in a "Choose Language" drop-down menu.
Additionally, when Auto Redirect is enabled, if there is another version of a document that matches the user's language preference, the page will automatically redirect to that version. For instance, if a user's language preference is Spanish and the user lands on an English document that has a Spanish version, the page will automatically redirect to the Spanish version—no extra navigation, menus, or clicks required.
Are Auto Translate and Multi-Language Documents sold together?
Yes, they are delivered as a single plugin.
Installation and Administration
Which Jive environments and versions are supported?
Please see the Pokeshot Product Matrix.
How do I install it?
First, upload the plugin via the Jive admin console, then restart the instance. Second, configure for the translation service of your choice.
What translation engines does it work with?
Three are available out of the box: Google Translate, Microsoft Translator (Bing), and GeoFluent by Lionbridge. We are able to connect with any translation engine that has an API, with minor Professional Services work.
Do you sell translation service contracts?
No, we do not.
Features and Functionality
Does Auto Translate include comments/replies, or only the original content (document, blog, discussion, etc.)?
Yes, it includes comments/replies. All the text on the page will be translated.
Are search terms translated?
Yes. You may specify which languages you would like to include in search term translation, or leave it blank to search using your site's default language. Note: search term translation requires full search, not spotlight search.
Who has access to create documents in new languages?
All users have access, respecting Jive place permissions or document authoring restrictions.
If we have existing documents and just need them linked together in the language menu, can we do that?
No, that is not out of the box functionality, but we are happy to scope this as a Professional Services project.
Is it possible to use the plugin without a translation service? Is our data sent anywhere?
Yes, it can be used without a translation service, though functionality would be limited to Multi-Language Documents; you would be able to associate documents in the Choose Language dropdown menu, but you would not have the ability to auto translate a document into additional languages. Also, the "Translate Page to:" check box in the navigational header will still appear, so you would need to remove it by editing your site's theme.
If Auto Translate is not used, no data is sent. Multi-Language Documents stores additional data in the Jive database. If a caching server is used, the data is stored in the cloud.
What does a user see if the translation engine fails?
No errors get thrown on the page, it just doesn't respond.
How are the translations passed with the translation engine?
The text is split into smaller parts (like paragraphs) and is sent to the service provider one by one over the respective API. The target language is set to the language in the user's preferences or, if that’s not set, the default language of the system. The source language is determined by the service provider.
Are translated version of documents, comments, etc., stored/cached after they are translated?
No, we do not store any of your data. Multi-Language Documents stores additional data in the Jive database.
If our caching service is used, the data is stored in the cloud. The caching server makes sure that a sentence does not get translated twice, lowering your usage of a translation service. It is available for an additional fee.
Does your API allow connection with external tools?
No, this is currently not possible. Integrating new content providers would require Professional Services.
What kind of data are you capturing, if any (traffic, popularity, etc.)?
Currently there are no analytics from the plugin. We are sending the phrases directly to the selected translation service and then receiving the translated phrase. Any statistics need to be captured via the translation service.
Can we change where the translation check box appears if we don't want it in the navigational header or if we have customizations that interfere?
This needs to be scoped as a Professional Services project.